Thursday, March 3, 2011

Snapping the football for center position

Video of snapping football

Stance for "snapping"

Stance: feet are a few inches slightly farther than shoulder width apart.

Shoulder Joint: No movement of  muscles, Isometric.

Shoulder Girdle: No movement of muscles, Isometric.

     Right: neutral, isometric
     Left:neutral, isometric

Radioulnar joints: 
     Right: neutral, isometric
     Left: neutral isometric

Wrist and Hand:
     Right: Neutral, Isometric
     Left: Neutral, Isometric

Prepatory phase for "snapping"

Prepatory phase: squat down with straight back and leaning forward, with one hand on the ball to grip it (other hand may rest on thigh).

Shoulder Joint: flexion, with anterior deltoid and upper pectoralis major muscles, Concentric.

Shoulder Girdle: Elevation/upward rotation, with levator scapulae, serratus anterior, upper and middle trapezius, and rhomboid muscles, Concentric.

     Right: extended, with the tricep brachi muscles, eccentric
     Left:flexed, with brachialis muscle, concentric

Radioulnar joints: 
     Right: pronation, with pronator teres, concentric
     Left: pronation, with pronator teres, concentric

Wrist and Hand:
     Right:  Flexion/Abduction of wrist, with flexor carpi radialis, concentric 
                Flexion of fingers, with flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum superificialis, concentric
     Left:   wrist and fingers are neutral

Movement phase for "snapping"

Movement:  bring ball between legs while bringing hand holding ball off ground so ball leaves ground.

Shoulder Joint: Extension, latissimus dorsi, teres major, lower pectoralis major, posterior deltiod muscles, concentric.

Shoulder Girdle: Depression/downward rotation, pectoralis minor and lower trapezius muscles, concentric.

     Right: extended, with triceps brachii,  eccentric
     Left:flexed, with brachialis, concentric

Radioulnar joints: 
     Right: pronation, with pronator teres, concentric
     Left: pronation with pronator teres, concentric

Wrist and Hand:
     Right:  Flexion/Abduction of wrist, with flexor carpi radialis, concentric 
                Flexion of fingers, with flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum superificialis, concentric
     Left:   wrist and fingers are neutral

Follow through phase of "snapping"

Follow through: while ball goes between legs leaving the ground, a turning of the wrist outwards (pronation) releasing the ball into the quarterbacks hands once ball is off the ground.

Shoulder Joint: partial internal rotation with latissimus dorsi, teres major, pectoralis major, and subscapularis muscles, concentric.

Shoulder Girdle: Abduction, serratus anterior and pectoralis minor muscles, concentric.

     Right: extended,with triceps brachii,  eccentric
     Left:flexed,with brachialis, concentric

Radioulnar joints: 
     Right: pronation, with pronator teres,concentric
     Left: pronation with pronator teres, concentric

Wrist and Hand:
     Right:  Flexion/Abduction of wrist, with flexor carpi radialis, concentric 
                Flexion of fingers, with flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum superificialis, concentric
     Left:   wrist and fingers are neutral

Recovery for "snapping"

Recovery: Remain in squat position with both elbows bent ready to block defensive players.

Shoulder joint: flexion, anterior deltiod and upper pectoralis major muscles, concentric.

Shoulder girdle: Elevation/upward rotation, levator scapulae, serratus anterior, upper and middle trapezius, and rhomboid muscles, concentric.

     Right: flexed, with brachialis and biceps brachii, concentric
     Left:flexed, with brachialis and biceps brachii,  concentric

Radioulnar joints: 
     Right:supinated from previous position, with supinator, concentric
     Left: supinated from previous position with supinator, concentric

Wrist and Hand:
     Right:  Abduction of wrist, with flexor carpi radialis, concentric 
               partial flexion of fingers, with flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum superificialis, concentric
     Left:   Abduction of wrist, with flexor carpi radialis, concentric                 
               partial flexion of fingers, with flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum superificialis, concentric

Terminology for "Snapping" as well as Exercises that enhance the performance

Center: an offensive player that starts off with the ball and usually snaps the ball to the quarterback followed by blocking defensive players from tackling the offensive ball carrier.

Quarterback: offensive player that scores points by taking snap from center and usually hands ball off to a running back or wide receiver, passing it to a wide receiver or running back, or runs the ball himself.

Snap: quick continuous movement of the football by one or two hands of snapper(for punting) or center (for offense) off of the line of scrimmage.

Weighted squatting.  With the bent knee squat position, all of the leg, hip, and back muscles are in constant contraction when in the center's stance phase.  Squatting with weight resistance allow proper conditioning for the weight that centers carry from the football padding required.  This will also strengthen their body for the rigorous game for the blocking that is required from the centers.

     For proper form:
     1) Have back straight at all times
     2) Try to have knees behind toes to avoid knee injuries
     3) When in the last phase of the squat (phase 4 in image above) keep thigh parallel to the floor

Punting for Punters

Video of punting

Stance for "punting"

Stance: hold ball with both hands, elbows extended, and punting foot slightly in front of body.

Shoulder Joint: flexed, anterior deltoids and upper pectoralis major muscles, isometric.
                          adducted, latissimus dorsi, teres major, and lower pectoralis major muscles, isometric.

Shoulder girdle: elevated, levator scapulae, serratus anterior, upper and middle trapezius, and rhomboid muscles, isometric.

     Right: extended,with triceps brachii,  eccentric
     Left:extended, with triceps brachii,  eccentric

Radioulnar joints: 
     Right: pronation, with pronator teres,  concentric
     Left: pronation, with pronator teres, concentric

Wrist and hand:
   Right: Adduction of wrist, with flexor carpi ulnaris, concentric
            flexion of fingers, with flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum superficialis, concentric
   Left: Adduction of wrist, with flexor carpi ulnaris, concentric
            flexion of fingers, with flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum superficialis, concentric

Prepatory phase for "Punting"

Prepatory phase: take one step forward with non punting foot, lift punting foot off of ground with toes extending and then flexing knee on same leg for power

Shoulder Joint: flexed, anterior deltoids and upper pectoralis major muscles, isometric.
                          adducted, latissimus dorsi, teres major, and lower pectoralis major muscles, isometric.

Shoulder girdle: elevated, levator scapulae, serratus anterior, upper and middle trapezius, and rhomboid muscles, isometric.

     Right: extended,with triceps brachii,  eccentric
     Left:extended, with triceps brachii,  eccentric

Radioulnar joints: 
     Right: pronation, with pronator teres,  concentric
     Left: pronation, with pronator teres, concentric

Wrist and hand:
   Right: Adduction of wrist, with flexor carpi ulnaris, concentric
            flexion of fingers, with flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum superficialis, concentric
   Left: Adduction of wrist, with flexor carpi ulnaris, concentric
            flexion of fingers, with flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum superficialis, concentric

Movement of "punting"

Movement: drop football and flex the punting hip quickly, while extending knee to punt ball away from body.

Shoulder Joint: no movement

Shoulder girdle:no movement

     Right: extended,with triceps brachii,  eccentric
     Left:extended, with triceps brachii,  eccentric

Radioulnar joints: 
     Right: neutral, isometric
     Left: neutral, isometric

Wrist and Hand:
   Right:  extension of wrist, extensor carpi radialis brevis, eccentric
              abduction and extension of fingers, with abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis longus, eccentric
   Left:  extension of wrist, extensor carpi radialis brevis, eccentric
              abduction and extension of fingers, with abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis longus, eccentric

Follow through for "Punting"

Follow through: continue the fullest flexion of hip to get football at maximum distance and height after ball has made contact with tibia.

Shoulder joint:  shoulders flexed from the momentum of kicking ball, concentric

Shoulder girdle: shoulders flexed from the momentum of kicking ball, concentric

     Right: flexed, with biceps brachii, concentric
     Left:flexed, with biceps brachii, concentric

Radioulnar joints: 
     Right: neutral, isometric
     Left: neutral, isometric

Wrist and Hand:
   Right: neutral, isometric
   Left: neutral, isometric

Recovery for "Punting"

Recovery: get into runner stance to run and tackle punt returner

Shoulder Joint: flexed, anterior deltoids and upper pectoralis major muscles, concentric.
                          adducted, latissimus dorsi, teres major, and lower pectoralis major muscles,concentric.

Shoulder girdle: elevated, levator scapulae, serratus anterior, upper and middle trapezius, and rhomboid muscles, concentric.

     Right: flexed, with biceps brachii, concentric
     Left:flexed, with biceps brachii, concentric
Radioulnar joints: 
     Right: flexed, concentric
     Left: flexed, concentric

Wrist and Hand:
   Right: abduction of wrist, with flexor carpi radialis, concentric
            flexion of fingers, with flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum superficialis, concentric
   Left: abduction of wrist, with flexor carpi radialis, concentric
            flexion of fingers, with flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum superficialis, concentric

Terminology for "Punting" as well as EXERCISES to strengthen punting

Punting: a kick used by an offensive team to relinquish possession of the ball if the offensive team has not gained the yardage needed for first down.  The punting/offensive team must tackle the punt returner (who is returning the ball that was punted) before he gains yards against the punting team.

EXERCISES To Strengthen Punting
Although squats are one of the most universal exercises for leg exercises, punting requires a unique activity in isolating leg movements.  One leg will usually remain stationary, while the other requires the full range of motion to complete the action.  Lunges allow the strengthening of each leg in isolated movements.  With the lunge movement, there is an explosion from when in the follow through phase that is similar to the hip flexion movement that is required for punting. 

THE SWIM for Defensive pass rushers

Video of the swim

Stance for "The Swim"

Stance: get into a 3 point stance with feet slightly staggered.

Shoulder Joint: flexed, anterior deltoids and upper pectoralis major muscles, isometric.
                          adducted, latissimus dorsi, teres major, and lower pectoralis major muscles, isometric.

Shoulder girdle: elevated, levator scapulae, serratus anterior, upper and middle trapezius, and rhomboid muscles, isometric.

     Right: extended,with triceps brachii, eccentric
     Left:flexed, with biceps brachii, concentric

Radioulnar joints: 
     Right: pronation, from pronator teres, concentric
     Left: neutral, isometric

Wrist and Hand:
   Right:  extension of wrist, extensor carpi radialis brevis, eccentric
              abduction and extension of fingers, with abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis longus, eccentric
   Left:  wrist neutral, isometric
            fingers neutral, isometric

Prepatory phase for "The Swim"

Prepatory phase: Have hind leg step forward past front foot while remaining low.  Get hands up to make contact with any offensive blockers.

Shoulder Joint: flexed, anterior deltoids and upper pectoralis major muscles,concentric.
                          adducted, latissimus dorsi, teres major, and lower pectoralis major muscles, concentric.

Shoulder girdle: elevated, levator scapulae, serratus anterior, upper and middle trapezius, and rhomboid muscles, concentric.

     Right: flexed, with biceps brachii, concentric
     Left:flexed, with biceps brachii,  concentric

Radioulnar joints: 
     Right: neutral, isometric
     Left: neutral, isometric

Wrist and Hand:
   Right: neutral, isometric
   Left: neutral, isometric

Movemenet for "The Swim"

Movement: Having non swimming hand swat initial offensive blocker's shoulder at chest level (defensive pass rusher's shoulder internally rotating with adduction), while SWIMMING hand/arm goes over offensive blocker.

Shoulder Joint: (swatting arm) adduction, latissimus dorsi, teres major, lower pectoralis major, concentric
                          (swimming arm) abduction, supraspinatus, deltoid, upper pectoralis major muscles, concentric.

Shoulder girdle: (swatting arm) adduction, middle and lower trapezius, and rhomboid muscles, concentric
                           (swimming arm) upward rotation/elevation, serratus anterior, middle and lower trapezius, levator scapulae, and rhomboid muscles, concentric.

     Right:extended, with triceps brachii, eccentric
     Left:flexed, with biceps brachii, concentric

Radioulnar joints: 
     Right: neutral, isometric
     Left: neutral, isometric

Wrist and hand:
   Right: wrist neutral, isometric
          flexion of fingers, flexor pollicis longus, concentric
   Left: wrist neutral, isometric
          flexion of fingers, flexor pollicis longus, concentric

Follow Through for "The Swim"

Follow Through: continue a running stance for momentum with about two to three steps and head on swivel to make tackle and watch for other offensive blockers.

Shoulder Joint: flexed, anterior deltoids and upper pectoralis major muscles, isometric.
                          adducted, latissimus dorsi, teres major, and lower pectoralis major muscles, isometric.

Shoulder girdle: elevated, levator scapulae, serratus anterior, upper and middle trapezius, and rhomboid muscles, isometric.

     Right: flexed, with biceps brachii concentric
     Left:flexed, with biceps brachii, concentric

Radioulnar joints: 
     Right: neutral, isometric
     Left: neutral, isometric

Wrist and Hand:
   Right: flexion of wrist, flexor carpi radialis, concentric
          flexion of fingers, flexor digitorum superficialis, concentric

   Left: flexion of wrist, flexor carpi radialis, concentric
          flexion of fingers, flexor digitorum superficialis, concentric

Recovery for "The Swim"

Recovery: Partial lunge stance while being on toes preparing for tackling the offensive player with the ball.

Shoulder Joint: flexed, anterior deltoids and upper pectoralis major muscles, isometric.
                          adducted, latissimus dorsi, teres major, and lower pectoralis major muscles, isometric.

Shoulder girdle: elevated, levator scapulae, serratus anterior, upper and middle trapezius, and rhomboid muscles, isometric.

     Right: flexed, with biceps brachii, concentric
     Left:flexed, with biceps brachii, concentric

Radioulnar joints: 
     Right: neutral, isometric
     Left: neutral, isometric

Wrist and Hand:
   Right: flexion of wrist, flexor carpi radialis, concentric
           neutral fingers, isometric
   Left: flexion of wrist, flexor carpi radialis, concentric
          neutral fingers, isometric

Terminology for "The Swim" as well as EXERCISES to strengthen the swim

The Swim: a technique often used by pass rushing defenders.  The swim gets its name from mimicking the appearance of a swimmer's upstroke.  In the swim, the defender hits/swats the open hand side of an opponent's shoulder pads at about chest level.  With the other hand the defender reaches out and over the shoulder of the blocker.  The elbow is brought down to hook behind the defender.

3 point stance: a starting position many lineman take at the line of scrimmage before the football is snapped.         (leaning forward with one hand and two feet on the ground)

Head on swivel: constantly having situation awareness for what may happen next.  Helps continue the pursuit of the play.

One of the crucial body parts to make the swim effective is the chest.  The swim sometimes requires a full range of motion of adduction of the shoulder when swatting the blocker away from you.  The Chest fly exercise allows that strengthening of the chest while doing the full range of motion.  There's variation of speed and weight to use, but at the lifter's discretion there may be maximum improvement and progress in strength.